Reviews NicoZero

  • Antonio
    I have very many opportunities to quit, and all to no avail. Cigarettes were to me as friends and I always go back to him. However, Spray NicoZero turned my body. I refused to be with him from the Smoking experience and even aversion to, the do not smoke already for several months.
  • Francesco
    I smoke for 24 years, but thanks to nicozero I finally managed to throw. I could not imagine how bright life can't smokers without these terrible mouth smell, yellow teeth, cough, and angry looks from. Many times I have tried to stop, but only Spray nicozero proved to be effective.
  • Carmela
    Smoking began, as it was the fashion, and was sure that I abandon Smoking. But no, the bad habit, sucked years. Neither the family, nor do I even like it, but there was nothing I could do about it. Not tried it yet NicoZero. I threw a month, and now I'm satisfied.
  • Francesco
    Among the known possibilities, the Smoking, like chewing gum, patches, and books NicoZeroin my opinion, is the only effective. I believed it, and the Smoking in just three weeks, without the Stress. For more than a year I have not Smoking the desire to.
  • Anna
    Now I understand to start, how stupid Smoking is. How much money and health was wasted. If not NicoZerothen I will have smoked in the past. This Spray has helped me to abandon the easier, depending on the. I smoke for 8 months, and I'm sure that never go back to this habit.
Rating NicoZero